New coin update and shipping.
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 08:35:26 PM
Hey all,
I've recently learned that some of you still haven't received your coin. This is unbelievable and fairly unheard of...but I guess that's 2020 in a nutshell.
If you haven't received your coin please direct message or email me your information. Full name will do it. I'll do what I can from there.
I'm dying to share some sneak peaks about the new coin but I'm going to refrain. We finished the first prototype a few weeks ago but neither of us were content with the results. Jason pushed the limits on the minting process (in an amazing way) so he scaled it back and we are having new dies made. We were hoping to be launched by now so we could get these to you by Christmas but decided that the coin itself was more important than the timeline. I'm still hoping to launch in October but coins likely wouldn't ship until January.
How about a little survey? You can respond in the comments...
Launch in October no matter the ship date (answer A in comments)
Hold off and Launch in the new year (answer B in comments)
Full disclosure...I highly doubt we'd be able to wait until the new year to launch because we are so damn excited about it but would still love your feedback.
Need more Fibonacci?
I have my website shut down for a refresh but will be re-launching next week with new products and have the Fibonacci coin available. I'll send out an update here to let you know but you can also head over to the site and sign up for the newsletter if you're so inclined.
Thanks again for your support and (most importantly) patience on the Fibo campaign!
International shipping blues...
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 10:51:54 PM
Hey there international backers (outside U.S.),
I wanted to take a moment to post an update rather than try to reply to comments.
International shipping has gotten really bad over the last couple of months. They claim it's due to covid but I have no way of knowing for sure. What I do know is that I've never experienced such a consistent delay with international shipments. Delays occasionally happen but not this often. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it on this end. The postal service isn't like a UPS, Fed Ex or DHL. You can never get a live person on the phone and any responses to emails are automated. They never guarantee international shipping times so they technically don't have to do anything until the package is officially lost and the tracking is close to worthless.
Here are a few of things to know...
- The tracking is poor to say the least. All it tells you is where the package last was and that it's now "in transit". This doesn't mean that the package is still sitting at the last place stated. It may be sitting in customs waiting to make it's way through or it may be at the post office getting sorted, but when you see that it hasn't "moved", it doesn't mean it's stagnant. It's's just taking longer than normal.
- It's not uncommon now for shipments to take many weeks, 4-8 easily, so please be patient. Four months ago, the average was 1-2 but that's changed for many packages.
- There's no rhyme or reason. You may have ordered something from another U.S. company at a later date and already received that package but that isn't relevant to other packages. They don't move packages by order of ship date. This has always been the case, and hasn't changed, but the longer ship times are making it seem more dramatic.
- You can try and contact your local post office and have them look into the package. There are times when it is sitting there waiting to be sorted and delivered.
Just had another thought regarding the delays. There is also an unordinary amount of packages being shipped because of covid so it's adding time. This is something the manager of our local post office shared with that I forgot to mention.
I know this is frustrating for those of you who haven't received your package. I really wish there were something more I could do on this end, but all I can do now is learn from it because I have a feeling this isn't going to change for awhile.
The biggest bummer will be if some of you haven't even received your coin by the time we launch the next. I hope that's not that case but, for the next campaign, we'll be shipping international orders out before domestic. I usually wait on international because they are a bit more complicated, and it's never a problem. but clearly is now. We are hoping to launch the new coin in about a month so keeping my fingers crossed on all of your packages.
Thanks so much to all of you for your patience.
Fin...pretty much.
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:17:01 AM
Good afternoon Backers!
Well...we did it. Every order (possible) has been shipped. There are still some international orders that are being blocked and a handful of folks that haven't filled out their survey but, outside of that, we're done! Some international orders are taking a bit so please be patient if your tracking seems to have stalled. Unprecedented times and all that junk.
If you still haven't received your coins or tracking...please message me (don't comment) or email [email protected]
Last Call
I'm officially closing the pre-order store Thursday morning so this is your last chance to get more coins at the Kickstarter price. If you placed a pre-order within the last few days, expect to see tracking on those come through in the next week or so.
Pre-order Store
The Future
I've mentioned this a bit already but wanted to give you some more detail about what's to come. This collaboration was a long time coming. Jason and I have been friends for many years and have talked about collaborations for most of them. We accomplished one (The Spin Tray) years ago but faced challenges with production and ultimately had to pull it. This Fibonacci project couldn't have happened more organically and we are both so pleased at how well received it has been. Overwhelmed and giddy are probably better terms. When we started this I didn't expect it to go beyond the Kickstarter campaign and some occasional sales on my site, but you guys have motivated us. Since the end of the campaign we have been working hard on the next coin in the series (that's right...series) and hope to bring it to you by late August or early September. I'm tempted to say that the next coin is even better than the Fibonacci, but that's a bold statement. There are even talks of a new brand in the works but that's still up in the air. Jason and I have a weekly Zoom meeting and I can't tell you how fired up we are at the end of every session. The ideas and potential are seemingly endless and we can't wait to share.
We hope to see all of you for round 2 and thanks again to everyone for your support!
Anthony & Jason
Here we go...
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 11:32:29 PM
Hey all!
So we are pretty much done. If you ordered Gold or a set with Gold, you still haven't received tracking because I held off. When the coins arrived last Friday, I couldn't bring myself to put them in the same plastic sleeve as the other coins so I ordered some capsules that will protect them. The place is local so I thought they'd arrive by Tuesday but I'm still waiting on them. That said, Gold coins weren't set to ship until July so we are technically still ahead on those. I'm hoping the capsules will arrive today so we can pack them up and get them out tomorrow but will keep you posted.
If you didn't order Gold and haven't received either your coin or tracking information it's because the survey wasn't filled out or, with around 10 of you, shipping is being blocked to your country. This is something I just discovered last week and I can only assume it's because of Covid. I'll send you guys individual emails about it by tomorrow to see what you would prefer to do.
A few of you emailed this morning requesting info and I will respond to you all soon but hopefully this clears up your question.
There are still around 50-60 people that haven't filled out the survey so please feel free to email me either through Kickstarter or to [email protected] so we can get to the bottom of it.
Once we are 100% done with shipping I'll pop back in with a final update but wanted to get this out there to those that are still waiting.
Thanks again!
Anthony & Jason
So close
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 11:38:13 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.